Thursday, March 17, 2011

It's Spring LIMPIA time!

Can you believe March has arrived already?!?  How did this happen?!?  And in Denver we have been having weather in the 60s and 70s of all things and with this warm weather comes the inexplicable feeling that we need to clean, clean, clean.  And yes, I suffer from this malady as well.  The urge that I need to get stuff done, organized, throw out the clutter, dust and shine comes on strong and it doesn't feel right to just do this for my home... which is where the Spring Limpia comes in.

Have you heard of a Limpia before?  A Limpia or spiritual cleansing, is used to cleanse the body, mind and soul of negativity.  It is known to remove all sorts of bad juju or whatever you might call it. The Limpia is meant to bring you peace, rejuvenation, protection, clarity, and sometimes opportunity, your way.  It attracts prosperity and blessings, stimulates the third eye, balances the chakras, and more.

Ever had a Limpia?  I had my first the summer of 2009, done by a woman in Denver who trained with Tetzkatlipoka Kalpulli of Serpent and the Sun fame and does what she called Aztec Massage.  Have you ever heard the rumors that the Aztecs were a violent or ruthless people?  If the "massage" (more like being rung out like a rag) was an indication I would say the rumors are true.  The "massage" involved me being completely naked - typical you say for a massage?  This one didn't involve a sheet to include any idea of modesty.  Also, I was touched in places that should never be included in a massage, happy ending is what you're thinking?  No!  One example of this is she stuck her fingers in my belly button (any innie if you must know) repeatedly, to sever the negative ties I had to my mother, excuse me??  I cried real tears and I cried out during it (all part of the process I was told) and after 2 hours I ended up with bruising and soreness all over, just ask DH.  I left feeling exhausted, burned out and slightly insulted by what had transpired.  This my friends is NOT the Limpia I recommend!!! 

In November of 2009 right around my birthday I asked my friend Suzie Q if she could give me the contact information for the person she went to (because everyone knows the best Limpia people are those that are recommended through word of mouth).  This experience was a complete 180 from my first.  Not a completely 'traditional' one with things like raw eggs but more like a Reiki massage.  My 'therapist' whom I will call Healing Soul met with me prior to the experience and walked me through what she was going to do during the process.  I laid on the massage table fully clothed and with a warm blanket on me.  The room reminded me of a spa where I would go for a regular massage.  Healing Soul never placed her hands on me - not once!  She used a smudge stick and candles, we laughed together during the experience, she gave me notes an hour later so that I could keep working on things at home and I left feeling light hearted, happy, unburdened and... clean.  

It was such an awesome experience I recommended Healing Soul to several friends soon after who went to see her and even bought a certificate for one as birthday gift (I was told that was the "best gift ever"), I even sent DH - who willingly obliged.  Some friends see her on a regular basis and others like myself, once or twice a year when the need arises.  

So this year, when the itch/urge/compulsion to clean arises within, think about maybe doing some inner cleaning as well, I know I will. 

A 'traditional' looking Limpia

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